For many years, I have collected and continue to collect quotes, thoughts, & stories. It gives me the opportunity to ponder, to meditate, and be inspired to greater heights. I have a passion for life, for my religion, for the goodness of life. Through all this, it has uplifted my soul, & made me stronger emotionally & spiritually.

I thought I would share with you, as well as my own random thoughts, testimony builders, a few funnies and so forth to also give you the same opportunity.

I do hope that you enjoy this blog... and feel free to comment ~ preferably positive thoughts, as this is what this blog is all about.

09 March 2010

The Power of Prayer

My boys and I were in AZ last week for my niece's wedding. The night before we were to fly out, I was packing and realized that I hadn't seen my oldest son's stuffed animal kitty. I recruited all the nieces and nephews to help search the house, and we looked in ever nook and cranny several times, coming up with nothing. With Hunter (my oldest) being on the verge of tears, I told him there was one last thing we could do - pray. Hunter said a sweet little prayer summoning Heavenly Father to please help him to find his kitty. Less than 5 minutes later, Hunter found his kitty in a spot that was looked at several times but the kitty never was seen there. What a great experience to plant a testimony seed in his life. My nephew, Ryan and I said "we should have prayed 30 minutes ago." We probably should have, but this was a great teaching moment nevertheless.

Something I noticed on my sister's fridge says this: ASAP - Always Say A Prayer. I think that is a great reminder that no matter what situation we are in, whether it be a trial, or a joyous occasion, or to simply find something that you're looking for, like Hunter's kitty - we should remember ASAP - Always Say A Prayer. 

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