For many years, I have collected and continue to collect quotes, thoughts, & stories. It gives me the opportunity to ponder, to meditate, and be inspired to greater heights. I have a passion for life, for my religion, for the goodness of life. Through all this, it has uplifted my soul, & made me stronger emotionally & spiritually.

I thought I would share with you, as well as my own random thoughts, testimony builders, a few funnies and so forth to also give you the same opportunity.

I do hope that you enjoy this blog... and feel free to comment ~ preferably positive thoughts, as this is what this blog is all about.

26 October 2009

Who’s Losing? - TOTW

"One warm evening during the past summer months Sister Ashton and I enjoyed a professional baseball game. During the early part of the competition our attention was diverted from the action by a late arriver. As he walked by, he spotted me and asked, 'Who’s losing?' I responded with, 'Neither one.' Following my answer, I noticed that he glanced at the right-field scoreboard, saw the game wasn’t tied, and walked on, undoubtedly wondering about me.

Seconds after he made his way to a distant seat, Sister Ashton said, 'He doesn’t know you very well, does he?' 'What makes you say that?' I replied. She responded with, 'If he did, he would know you don’t believe anyone is losing. Some are ahead and some are behind, but no one is losing. Isn’t that right?' I smiled in approval with a warm feeling inside.

Proper attitude in this crisis-dominated world is a priceless possession. Never before is it more important for all of us to move forward with conviction. We may be behind, but we are not losing if we are moving in the right direction. God will not score our performances until the end of the journey."
--Elder Marvin J Ashton, "Who’s Losing?" Ensign, Nov. 1974, 41

22 October 2009

Meridian Magazine:: Line Upon Line: We Have the Answers to the Hard Questions

"Recently, as I sat in Barnes & Noble at a book signing, looking at all the books around me, I was suddenly struck by the fact that in one way or another they all dealt with life’s great questions. Why injustice? Who are we really? Where are the answers? Why do I feel so empty? Is there absolute truth out there somewhere, or is everything relative?"

Meridian Magazine:: Line Upon Line: We Have the Answers to the Hard Questions

19 October 2009

Strengthening Each Other - TOTW

"If you sometimes get discouraged, consider this fellow. He dropped out of grade school. Ran a country store. Went broke. Took 15 years to pay off his bills. Took a wife. Unhappy marriage. Ran for House. Lost twice. Ran for Senate. Lost twice. Delivered speech that became a classic. Audience indifferent. Attacked daily by the press and despised by half the country. Despite all this, imagine how many people all over the world have been inspired by this awkward, rumpled, brooding man who signed his name simply, A. Lincoln.” (Wall Street Journal.)

'It is important to know, when you feel down, that many others do also and that their circumstances are generally much worse than yours. And it’s important to know that when one of us is down, it becomes the obligation of his friends to give him a lift. I hope that each of us will cultivate a sensitivity toward the feelings of others, and when encouragement is needed, make an effort to extend it. Be a friend, and you will have a friend. God be thanked for wonderful friends.'
--Gordon B. Hinckley, “Strengthening Each Other,” Ensign, Feb. 1985, 3

15 October 2009

Meridian Magazine :: You Tube: An Apostle?s Testimony of the Book of Mormon

I absolutely enjoyed Elder Holland's talk in General Conference. What a powerful testimony! In this 5-minute video, the essence of Elder Holland’s talk is given with beautiful photos and illustration.

Meridian Magazine :: You Tube: An Apostle?s Testimony of the Book of Mormon

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12 October 2009

Meridian Magazine :: Family Connections: At Risk: Our Children?s Imagination

I think that this is a fabulous article. I have found it really sad in so many children who lack the capacity to have an imagination. We have experienced this in our own family, with my stepson in fact, who we only have every other weekend if that. He has done much better in the past year, but the environment he has grown up in, has given him the lack of imagination that he so needs.

And then on the other hand, our oldest has a fabulous imagination - our bed can turn into a train, a boat with crashing waves and sharks beneath, an airplane soaring through the clouds... It is so much fun!

And not only does it create fun in a child's life, but what about the importance of their brain development and how it helps them with life's challenges in general? :)

Meridian Magazine :: Family Connections: At Risk: Our Children?s Imagination

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Three Choices - TOTW

"Tomorrow’s joy or tomorrow’s despair has its roots in decisions we make today. Perhaps some people think to themselves: 'I know I need to change some things in my life. Maybe later, but not now.'

Those who stand at the threshold of life always waiting for the right time to change are like the man who stands at the bank of a river waiting for the water to pass so he can cross on dry land.

Today is the day of decision."

--Joseph B. Wirthlin, “Three Choices,” Ensign, Nov. 2003, 78

11 October 2009

Testimony Builder - Thoughts By Me.

Today, I will be taking our boys to church, as my husband is sick with the flu. I think it can be a challenge to be by yourself and take your kids to church, but I also think that it is very important to follow through.

Let me step back a few years. When my oldest was under one, I would take him to church by myself, as at the time my husband was not active in church. During the course of the 3 hour block, I became discouraged because I wasn't getting the spiritual uplift that I wanted and needed. I was spending much of the time in the hallway, because my baby was being too noisy to be able to sit through some of the meetings. At that very moment that I became discouraged and thought to myself what is the point of me being here, the Primary President came around the corner and said to me, "I remember those days, it will get better." At that moment in time, it occurred to me that I am not the only one that has had to go in the hallway, that there will be better days, and it is important for me to be there even in the hallway for a short time period in my babies life. Why? Because it shows him that going to church is an important part of our lives, and eventually when he is older, the habit will be instilled in him, and again, when he grows older he'll start to realize the weekly spiritual nourishment that he can get at church. What a great insight that was for me. It was not coincidence that the Primary President came around the corner at that exact moment, and that what she said to me gave me a better testimony of why it is so important that I come to church with my little one even if it is in the hallway for a brief time in life.

Now, my oldest is in Primary and is loving it. I can see the spiritual growth he has gained by my persistence and faith in bringing him to church each Sunday. It is wonderful to hear him so excited to learn about our Savior. To learn about eternal families, as sometime in the future our family will be sealed for time and all eternity, what a great testimony builder this will be for him, and for our little family as a whole. It is exciting to see him be excited to say the family prayer at night, or during dinner time. It is heart warming to hear him speak with his little voice that permeates a spiritual warmth throughout my heart.

And, I am back to the hallway days off and on with our youngest. He will be able to go to the nursery in about 6 months, which will in turn help for me be able to focus on my weekly spiritual uplift. But again, for now, it is important to teach him that going to church weekly is important to us individually and as a family.

I am so grateful for the opportunity to teach our little ones the importance of living the gospel in their daily lives. I am grateful for the small teachings I receive through my children, for their little insights that give me strength to push forward. This life is truly an amazing journey, difficult at times sure, perhaps difficult is an understatement at times, but nevertheless, it is a blessing. I truly am grateful for the opportunities for spiritual insight and spiritual growth.

05 October 2009

TOTW - Don’t be discouraged...

"Don’t be discouraged at seemingly overwhelming odds in your desire to live and to help others live God’s commandments. At times it may seem like David trying to fight Goliath. But remember, David did win."

--David B. Haight (Ensign, November 1977)

Meridian Magazine : : Church Update: Saturday Morning Session 179th Semiannual General Conference

We watched General Conference as a family both Saturday & Sunday's sessions. I have always looked forward to General Conference, just as I did this weekend. I absolutely love the spiritual uplift it brings into my life. I feel renewed, and a new sense of well-being to move forward with an increased testimony of the gospel and the wonderful blessings it brings into my life, and into my family.

Meridian Magazine : : Church Update: Saturday Morning Session 179th Semiannual General Conference

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