For many years, I have collected and continue to collect quotes, thoughts, & stories. It gives me the opportunity to ponder, to meditate, and be inspired to greater heights. I have a passion for life, for my religion, for the goodness of life. Through all this, it has uplifted my soul, & made me stronger emotionally & spiritually.

I thought I would share with you, as well as my own random thoughts, testimony builders, a few funnies and so forth to also give you the same opportunity.

I do hope that you enjoy this blog... and feel free to comment ~ preferably positive thoughts, as this is what this blog is all about.

12 July 2009


A couple Sunday's ago, in Relief Society, there was a sister who taught a lesson that really touched my heart. It was something I obviously needed a reminder of, or a new perspective, or perhaps just a kick in the pants.

I have recently been struggling with a lot and all at once, which doesn't help the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Her lesson, along with other moments that I know Heavenly Father had a hand in to help me move forward again has really got me pondering on a daily basis more-so than I already do.

For awhile, I have not felt like I could see that guiding light at the end of the tunnel. Only I realized that the light has always been there, I just wasn't doing ALL my part to see it. I have been distracted from these overwhelming feelings, frustration, sadness, depression even that I have failed to do ALL my part to be able to let God touch my life, for me to be able to see that light at the end of my tunnel. It never goes out, distractions just started to creep in to the point I just didn't know which way I was going.

What are some things that mean the most to you? Or who even means the most to you? Have you let these distractions take place of your duty, your loyalty, your moments to cherish, your moments for growth in your life? Do you have anger holding your anchor down? Let it go. Move forward. Distractions take away from what is SO important.

Prayer. This is another one that keeps popping up for me. And although we pray as a family every night, and I try and be diligent to do my own personal prayers each night - I do lack at times and I know when I need to be doing better. Having that conversation with Heavenly Father every night goes a long way. The light is strong at the end of the tunnel when I am, the way is made clear, and my heart isn't feeling as troubled. I always keep a prayer in my heart, which helps me so much, but I need more personal one-on-one focused conversation time with Heavenly Father. What a difference that would make. What an opportunity for growth.

You know, I often think about all the resources that have been given to us - spiritual resources - that we often times fail to accomplish. These resources are always there, they are easy to do, they give great opportunities in so many areas of life. Why the procrastination on doing some of it - natural, as we are not perfect of course, but wow - the antidote is always in front of us for happiness, for letting grudges or anger go, for a wholesome, good life --- it is so easy, yet sometimes so hard. Life is hard, I won't deny it - I have had my many days throughout that have been hell and back - but life is worth living, life is worth growing and in God's infinite wisdom He gives us these trials to give us the choice to choose to grow from. God is good in all that He does for me, for everyone.

Every day now, I always think of the lesson in Relief Society about what my distractions would be in my life, what do I need to do to get rid of them and focus on what will not only help my growth in my life, but for my children, for my husband, family, and friends. What is it that I can I let go of today that is stopping me from being my best? What do I need to do to improve spiritually, so I can also improve emotionally, and then physically? What is it? I think as long as I am aware, and doing my best, everything will turn out for the best in the end. To me, the journey is worth it when I am always aware of what I need to work on, so that it not only helps me to grow, but so I can in turn help my children grow and nurture our marriage.

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